Thursday, October 1, 2009

Things I'd rather do than go to work in an hour.

1. Lay out in the grass and enjoy the weather.
2. Take my dog for a walk.

3. Sit outside, drink coffee, and read.
4. Drive to visit a friend.
5. Go to Lincoln Parish Park

6. Go to Antique Alley.
7. Lay in bed and watch Friends.
8. Go walk around downtown Ruston.
9. Do absolutely nothing.

10. Make something creative.
11. Poke my EYES OUT.

yeah. I really don't want to go to work today! :)

hope y'all are having an amazing day! enjoy the weather for me...because i will be stuck indoors making coffee for highly demanding customers for the remainder of the day...

Friday, August 21, 2009

these are a few of my favorite things...

The directions on the cartons of chai at starbucks :)

pretty smelling candles...


this crazy girl!

pearl snap shirts...

my chandelier pretty!

Hanes V-neck t-shirts

and last but not least...
gossip girl season 2 :)

hope y'all have had a GREAT start to your weekend!
Today's been a bit hectic for me but.....
vacation's well on its way! woohoooo! :)

lots of love to you all!

Monday, August 10, 2009

so this is why i never got a blog...

becuase i'm HORRIBLE at keeping up with it! I am SO sorry its been so long! Life has been crazy busy lately! lots of friends...a few trips here and there....its been pretty great! :) here are some pics of the past few weeks...

First of all, a couple of my college friends (plus one of their friends) came into town! it was so great catching up with Maryann & Chris! and it was great to meet Sam! :)

THEN! I met a new friend in my backyard! He was just a-wanderin' around back there by the pool, so i figured i should rescue him from the beast...A.K.A. my golden retriever Allie...she's i caught mr. turtle and rescued him after playing with him for a bit! i just love turtles! they're so cute!
Aren't his designs so fun!
say goodbye little guy! :)

F.Y.I...Mr. Turtle wasn't the new friends i was talking about :) I've gotten to meet and hang out with some incredible new people lately! And its been great!

This past weekend I got to lead worship for Maryann's youth group out of Pineville and we had so much fun! They are an incredible group of kids and between that retreat and Sr. Goodbye Sunday at Trinity youth last night, I'm really missing youth ministry right now!!

Today I went to see Julie & Julia with my mom....and i'm pretty sure I want to be a chef now :) just kidding...but it did make me want to cook a fancy meal!!

Well I hope you guys are all doing good and i'll try to get better at keeping this thing updated!

love y'all! :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

a small rant

Dear Nissan XTerra,

Why must you hate me so?  We have been through so much together.  Many years of adventures and bonding all to come to this?  I have played only great music in you...ok and the occasional NSYNC, but come know you love it to.  You have been the host of dozens of high school girls and our great dance parties and sing alongs.  You and I have been on hundreds of joyrides and the occasional high speed chase.  We're pal's, me and you, or we were until these recent temper tantrums.  Yes, I realize its been on a while since we have been on a traveling adventure.  Yes, I no longer shove more than the accepted occupancy into you, but this whole temperature rising bit is getting a bit old.  I do not enjoy having to cool you down by blowing my heater at full blast in 105 degree Louisiana summers.  I suppose we're hitting the crazy moody teenage years...but me and you, we gotta work this out.  I promise no more threats of selling you and getting something younger and a bit more practical.  Lets be real....when am I ever practical?  Well I hope this opens your eyes to how much we could have together....I'm not giving up on you.

your frustrated driver

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Everything comes alive in my life as we lift You higher! Sing it out--Freedom!

What a day!  

First of all, can I just say,
the new Hillsong United cd is SO good!!  

The first song almost made me skip church this morning and park somewhere in my car and just spend some Jenn & Jesus time! :)  

This afternoon has been quite pleasant!  I've been hanging out in Starbucks, trying to prepare myself for the week ahead....WAY too much time will be spent at Starbucks working...boooo.

But alas...lets not borrow tomorrows worries for today!  Today was spent enjoying my Venti Iced Soy Chai and a cheery cherry pie! :)

adorable, no?

If only my life looked like this, coffeeshops, and cheery cherry pie?!  

Well I'm working on a new song, so hopefully later this week I'll have something to show you all!!

Hope you have a restful Sunday!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

how about a little diddy for the day??

So a little fact about Jennifer....
i LOVE music.
insanely so.
matter of fact, i declared today singsong saturday at Starbucks!  but no one would play my game.  it was quite sad really...

but from time to time i like to record a little song for your (and my) enjoyment!  hope you like it! :)

Happy Saturday to you all!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

a one, a two, a one---weeehooo!

Today has been quite a glorious day!   

I had to wake up waaaaay too early to work at the good ole coffeeshop...

Then home to spend the afternoon relaxing in the pool!

great book...

sweet lifeguard...

and my favorite flowers in bloom!

the only flaw......
i might should have put on a little sunscreen.....

oh well...all in a summers day! :)

now back to work for shift number two of the day....gotta love making coffee for a least it feeds my caffeine addiction!


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